For those who wonder, this is not a virus, because it wouldn't stand on this long if it indeed had malware in it, and it also seems to be a remake instead of the original application.
+ that, even the original version of the software isn't a malware anymore, since it was made originally for old operational systems and it's spyware servers are down for decades now, thus being available in without being taken down.
im scared if this is still a virus cuz idk how to use virtual machine and i just wanna get him as an alterative to the horror game kinitopet (btw i know i can get clippy instead)
If you never heard the names of the AVs that flags something as suspicious on VirusTotal, then take it as a grain of salt, since VirusTotal is a collection of AVs, really good AVs, bad AVs, and AVs that doesn't even seem to exist outside it.
It's a very, very old project of mine. I had little experience when I developed this project. and now I stopped developing this project. I focused on completely new and original projects. But don't see this as the end of the bond. he will come back.
Read the "README.txt" file. There you will see which keys you press and what he can do.
So I tested it and yes it did give me bonzi buddy 1 2 3 and 4 but almost gave me 10 vireses good thing I have windows defender and it will say rest in piss so download at your own risk
Hello dear user. Unfortunately, I don't want to improve this anymore. I started this project 3 years ago. this project received 3000+ downloads and 10k+ views. But this was not the project I wanted, it was not a project that was completed with just one day's enthusiasm. I am currently developing a real-time strategy game called War Of 1914 and I am planning to share this game on Steam and After this project, no other project of mine has received such great attention. I hope you understand me. Maybe after a while I can do it over again with my new coding skills. But it doesn't look like it will happen now. thanks
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is this a virus?
guys its importAnt to scared communitys(didnt mean it bad) ITS NOT A VIRUS I SCANNED IT
also not a maleware
Try clippy, better than bonzi:
nothin me find bonzi
and btw im like "THIS IS MY ONLY LAPTOP SHALL I DO THIS then i loose my TF2 safes"lmao
why does it say i can t open the bunzibuddy? how can i sart the programm?
Make A Android Port Please
its not a virus anymore
doesnt work it says we proteted your pc
So is it just a boring black box with bonzi in it?
Yes, its an very old project, check clippy with no black box:
Can you make a bonzi buddy with no box?
I need bonzi buddy assets
It has virus?
For those who wonder, this is not a virus, because it wouldn't stand on this long if it indeed had malware in it, and it also seems to be a remake instead of the original application.
+ that, even the original version of the software isn't a malware anymore, since it was made originally for old operational systems and it's spyware servers are down for decades now, thus being available in without being taken down.
someone smart enough to finally understand that this is just an old and bad remake that I made
hello i want to know if this is actually safe or not because i really am scared if i get a real virus or not.
im scared if this is still a virus cuz idk how to use virtual machine and i just wanna get him as an alterative to the horror game kinitopet (btw i know i can get clippy instead)
it has a virus look i did a test on virustotal and it said it has not, one not, two not, THREE, BUT 4 VIRUS's
Then everyone else in the comments is a liar, huh? Virus Total's scans are not accurate. at least for unlicensed applications.
If you never heard the names of the AVs that flags something as suspicious on VirusTotal, then take it as a grain of salt, since VirusTotal is a collection of AVs, really good AVs, bad AVs, and AVs that doesn't even seem to exist outside it.
bruhhduhh i cant understand the languide of the download wizard
This is my very old project, now you can download the new version (have like 20 languages for setup):
bro does this open random apps like the og one
This is my very old project, now you can download the new version:
not good i tried to download this it says forbidden
nvm it works
i'ts not a virus?
Show post...
im scared to do this
hello there just asking if this is real bonzi i just wanna download him as a joke not the virus edition :3
i have only one question WHAT
gozat and iptal
I email! i browse! ...... More like I stand there in silence.
Electus, it kinda says hello there and then just literally stands there i silence....
It's a very, very old project of mine. I had little experience when I developed this project. and now I stopped developing this project. I focused on completely new and original projects. But don't see this as the end of the bond. he will come back.
Read the "README.txt" file. There you will see which keys you press and what he can do.
just read txt
okay thank you!
My new RTS game —>
me about to download bonzi buddy to launch him with MaxALERT and BlobBUDDY:
btw is this a virus?
my avast said is a virus, i think avast is being that one overprotective mom lmao
So how did it go ? :D
So I tested it and yes it did give me bonzi buddy 1 2 3 and 4 but almost gave me 10 vireses good thing I have windows defender and it will say rest in piss so download at your own risk
LOL, you wrote the same comment for almost all Bonzi variants on I doubt you've even downloaded and tested it.
O I did and It did it
burh he did it for 1 other
Is there a english version of the installer? Or did I do something wrong
Guys its virus? yes or not
Help me. Why do you trust this.
Hey electrus
Could you please make the yt video public so I can learn how to install it?
Can you pls give me the video?
Are you sure this isnt a virus?
where is very big update
Maybe one day. But never today.
yeah, idk if its safe to download or not...
I used the BonzISetup and i completed it. cant find the app tho. is the app supposed to like Open?
Hello Four Dice Games
When is the next update happening? I want him on my desktop, but like, not in a window
Hello dear user. Unfortunately, I don't want to improve this anymore. I started this project 3 years ago. this project received 3000+ downloads and 10k+ views. But this was not the project I wanted, it was not a project that was completed with just one day's enthusiasm. I am currently developing a real-time strategy game called War Of 1914 and I am planning to share this game on Steam and After this project, no other project of mine has received such great attention. I hope you understand me. Maybe after a while I can do it over again with my new coding skills. But it doesn't look like it will happen now. thanks
Aw, ok :(